When and How to Refresh Your Brand Identity

When and How to Refresh Your Brand Identity

A strong brand identity is crucial for any business looking to succeed in today's competitive market. A brand is more than just a logo or a name, it is a representation of a company's values, mission, and overall image. A well-defined brand identity helps businesses stand out from the competition, attracts new customers, and builds customer loyalty. However, over time, a brand's identity can become outdated, irrelevant or inconsistent, leading to a negative impact on the market perception of the company. This is where a brand refresh comes in.

What is a brand refresh?

A brand refresh is the process of updating and revitalizing a company's brand identity to better align with its current goals, values, and target audience. It involves making changes to a company's visual identity, messaging, and communication strategy without entirely changing its core mission. A brand refresh is not the same as a rebrand. A rebrand is a more drastic change that involves creating a completely new brand identity, often with a new name, logo, and messaging.

However, it's worth noting that a brand refresh can still have a significant impact on a company's overall image and market perception. By refreshing its brand identity, a company can differentiate itself from competitors and position itself as a more relevant and customer-centric business.

Signs that your brand needs a refresh

There are several signs that a company's brand identity may need a refresh. These include:

Outdated visual identity: A company's visual identity includes its logo, color scheme, typography, and overall design style. If a company's visual identity looks outdated or old-fashioned, it can give the impression that the company is not keeping up with current trends or technology.

Irrelevant messaging: A company's messaging should resonate with its target audience and reflect its core values and mission. If a company's messaging is no longer relevant or effective, it can fail to attract new customers or retain existing ones.

Not standing out from competitors: In a crowded market, it's essential for a company to differentiate itself from competitors. If a company's brand identity looks too similar to its competitors, it can fail to stand out or be memorable.

Inconsistent brand message: A company's brand message should be consistent across all channels and touchpoints. If a company's messaging is inconsistent, it can create confusion and make it harder for customers to understand what the company stands for.

Not attracting new customers: If a company is struggling to attract new customers, it may be time to consider refreshing its brand identity. A refreshed brand identity can help a company appeal to a broader audience and expand its customer base.

Steps to take when refreshing your brand identity

If your company's brand identity needs a refresh, there are several steps you can take to ensure a successful outcome.

  1. Conduct a brand audit to identify areas that need improvement - A brand audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a company's brand identity, messaging, and overall image. It involves analyzing all aspects of a company's branding, including its visual identity, messaging, communication strategy, and market perception. A brand audit can help identify areas that need improvement and inform the next steps in the brand refresh process.
  2. Define your brand's core values and mission - Before making any changes to your brand identity, it's important to define your brand's core values and mission. Your brand's core values should reflect what your company stands for and guide all aspects of your branding. Your brand's mission should be a clear and concise statement of what your company aims to achieve and how it plans to do so.
  3. Refresh visual identity - Updating your company's visual identity is one of the most important steps in a brand refresh. This includes updating your logo, color scheme, typography, and overall design style. The goal is to create a visual identity that is modern, relevant, and memorable.
  4. Update messaging and communication strategy - Along with updating your visual identity, it's important to update your messaging and communication strategy. This includes updating your tagline, mission statement, and overall brand messaging. You should also consider how you communicate with your customers across all touchpoints, including your website, social media, and marketing materials.
  5. Implement changes gradually to avoid confusing customers - It's important to implement changes gradually to avoid confusing customers. This includes updating your visual identity and messaging over time, rather than all at once. Gradual changes can help your customers adjust to the new brand identity and avoid any negative impact on your brand equity.

Case studies of successful brand refreshes

Several well-known companies have successfully refreshed their brand identity in recent years. Let's take a look at a few examples:


In 2018, IBM refreshed its brand identity to reflect its focus on innovation and technology. The new visual identity features a more modern and streamlined design, with a simpler logo and a bolder color scheme. IBM's messaging was also updated to reflect its commitment to innovation and progress.


Microsoft underwent a significant brand refresh in 2012, with the launch of its new Windows 8 operating system. The company updated its visual identity to reflect the new look and feel of the operating system, with a more modern and minimalist design. Microsoft's messaging was also updated to reflect its focus on innovation and progress.


Starbucks refreshed its brand identity in 2011, with a new logo and color scheme. The new logo features a simplified design, with the iconic siren image without the word "Starbucks." The color scheme was also updated to reflect a more natural and earthy tone. Starbucks' messaging was updated to reflect its commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.


Apple is a company that has undergone several brand refreshes over the years. In 2020, the company updated its visual identity to reflect its focus on simplicity and innovation. The new logo features a more modern and streamlined design, with a bolder color scheme. Apple's messaging was also updated to reflect its commitment to sustainability, privacy, and innovation.


In today's competitive market, it's essential for companies to have a strong and relevant brand identity. A brand refresh can help a company differentiate itself from competitors, attract new customers, and build customer loyalty. By following the steps outlined above, companies can successfully refresh their brand identity and position themselves for business growth and success. Remember, a brand is more than just a logo or a name, it's a representation of a company's values, mission, and overall image.